As a broker of expert opinion, we maintain relationships with experts, source and connect to new professionals, reference check, review CVs and reports and provide guidance to new experts in relation to their duties. We work with you to ensure that your expert needs are met and have access to the best people to assist with your matter.
We work with professionals, academics and medical specialists right across Australia to facilitate expert opinions in most disciplines with particular emphasis on:
- Accident Investigation personal injury
- Agriculture
- Building and construction
- Bullying, harassment and discrimination including workplace safety issues
- Engineering and Materials Science
- Health and medical negligence
- Insurance and superannuation
- Property and valuation
No doubt you maintain an existing, well established network of experts to draw from and so do we. In our experience there will always be those few areas where you exhaust your contacts and need a fresh perspective. And you may not always know what type of expert you need right away, but that's where we come in.
Matching a brief to an expert is what we do best.
Discuss your case with us confidentially and obtain an obligation free quote
We are well-equipped to handle complex and sensitive claims so you can be assured of our discretion and can trust that we care about the integrity of the expert and our service to you. We welcome both plaintiff and defendant requests for assistance with file reviews, pre-proceedings advice, interviews, training, investigation and reporting.
Expert Consulting will proceed to identify and provide you with the curricula vitae of an appropriate mix of experts who have indicated that they have the skills and experience to assist.
From there we can facilitate a discussion whereby you can further qualify a potential expert’s suitability for your matter or we can take receipt of your instructions to prepare a quote. Experts are generally happy to assist in the preliminary discussion to help form the specific questions you should be asking on a particular subject. Often once the brief comes out to the expert, there can be key things missing or documents that would be useful to obtain for the expert’s investigation. We undertake a thorough check of the documentation provided and work with the expert to ensure they have everything they need.
We are cost effective and efficient
We clarify and identify the issues early on to ensure we assist you in retaining the most appropriate specialist. We offer competitive hourly rates and detailed fee estimates to provide you with the opportunity of assessing the potential cost of expert opinion upfront and before any fees are incurred.
As Expert Consulting handles all of the contractual arrangements on the experts’ behalf, we will outline to you the likely costs of an investigation, review of documents, producing a report and potential court appearance.
We have an understanding of the jurisdictional requirements
We stay abreast of the issues and rules pertaining to the use of and instruction to expert witnesses.
We deliver a well-reasoned, impartial report/opinion to be used for the purpose for which it was intended
All of our reports are reviewed internally and checked for form and content to ensure that your instructions are addressed and comply with the rules.
Expert Consulting links you to expert witnesses you can trust and provides quality support you can rely on.